martes, 26 de abril de 2011

I love this time!

I was on fourth grade and I was listening every time to this band. It was going walking from the school to my house thinking in this band, I was thinking every day in their songs, and suddenly  I enter to my bethroom and I see the CD ("La vos de los 80)  in the bed, my parent had give it to me.
I remember that I was listening to it the whole day in this years, I was in love to Claudio Narea!
My friends were going home to listening to it because I was the unic whit this CD.
I like this CD because I was remember when I was children whit this, and because there was a revolutionary band in this yeras. My favorite song stil is "Quién mató a Marilyn", I like the rithm, the letter, the intention, I like old of this song.
I still like it "Los prisioneros" but I dont listen to them so much, but every time that I listen this band I remember very much things, and I remember a good erea.
"Los prisioneros" now are not a very popular band in the radios on in the youngers, but Im sure that every body of our time listened this group.

10 comentarios:

  1. I love los Prisioneros, I really like their lirycs, it a music very powerfull!! I have a cd of them too, but now I search the music in youtube most than I listen a cd, We have to go back to diskman!!!!

  2. I love this group, when i was a child i sang every days this songs :D

  3. "Los Prisioneros" are the fantastic Chilean Band, an the disc La vos de los ochenta, is the Best of the best

  4. i remember that one day when i went to buy something at Bellas Artes i saw to Claudio Narea.
    i think that Los Prisioneros was a band that leave their mark, they sung things that others band did have the courage to sing and this make them diferents

  5. ohhh so nice vale!
    i really like " Los prisioneros" :)

  6. I love this Band I remember my oldest brothers when they listen to songs every day :)

  7. I like their lyrics! I Like "Los Prisioneros", I remember when I saw to Jorge Gonzalez in the festival "El Abrazo" and I listened his songs under the rain!!

  8. i a great band, is a shame that are not together

  9. I don't know much of them
    we need more chilean music!

  10. La voz de los 80´ it´s a classic of the Chilean music!
