martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

This is Valeria ah! :)

Hello humanity, now I want to present my favorites phrases to books, songs, persons, etc..this sentences markt my life for remember me lovers, friends, my family, my life, etc..

- "It will not be the fear of the madness what forces us to lower the flag of the imagination" (André Breton in Surrealistic manifest, poet)
- "We go and not him demos ultimately so much importance" (Fito Páez in your unforgettable smile, Singer)

- " Whe are the geography of the place" (Milton Santos in "Metamorfósis of the inhabited space", Geographer)

- "I hope that the item is happy and wait to never return" (Frida Kahlo in her autobiography, painter)

- "We were walking without looking for ourselves but knowing that we were walking to be" (Julio Cortázar in Rayuela, writer)

- Altazor, you will die, your voice will dry off and you will be invisible" (Vicente Huidobro in Altazor, writer)

- "Only the hours stay, and the hours after the hours" (Virginia Wolf in the movie "The hours",writer)

-  "Arauco has a sorrow, about that I cannot keep silent, they are injustices of centuries that they all see applying, nobody has put remedy being able to remedy it" (Violeta Parra in "Arauco tiene una pena", singer, poet, painter...)

-  "I also think about you. María"  (Ernesto Sábato in "El tunel",writer)     

- "I say that the time erases the fingerprint of your look, my bowlegged one he says there is no fingerprint that lasts any more eb the soul" (Jorge Drexler in "Zamba del olvido", singer)                                                                   


martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

"Latinoamerica is a town at south of United State" (8)


Latinoamerica is more than a region, is a way to understand a culture, because the people have a similar style of life, I mean the people in latinomaerica have a similar history.
But no obstant is diferent the way to live this similar history, and every country have typical and own characteristics that we can saw like a sterotypes. For example for the tropic the people is more energy and more rhytmical, but to south, to the cold area the people do the things more quiet, the style of life is more paused.
These sterotypes exist because there are element in the cultures that people expect to exxagerate, and this element then pron pers to convert in a sterotype. Not only exist sterotypes in Latinoamerica, there are sterotypes in every parts of the world.
In the case of Chile I think that other Latin American countries view Chileans like an stable country, politics and financially. But for other way they view Chileans like a  n single and ambitius country. But the Chileans are really nice persons.
There are sterotypes in Chile of different groups of Chileans, like a "urban tribe"; "Pokemones", "Gothics", etc..and for the geographyc condition. Called, "sureño", "nortino", etc..

martes, 3 de mayo de 2011

"Punta de Choro" only "cabros choros"

I remember two years ago I was whith my friends to hitchhiking to north. It was a great trip, amazing.
We started the trip from Santiago and our last destiny was Bahía Inglesa. In this trip we did a stoped in "La Serena" (Coquimbo) and there we was to camp to "Punta de Choro", when we come from to a large trekking, and saw the beach was "Oh! my god", there was beautiful, like a virgen beach. There was anybody there, only rthe waves, the hot sun, and the coast refresh .
We put up the tent and we stay like a week there. Drinking a beers every time, doing trekkings, and enjoining to the sun and the beach.
In front of "Punta de Choro" there is an island called "Isla Dama", so beautiful too, we could see dolphins there and that was a great experience.
I like so much this beach because there is not a tipically beach whit people in everywhere, or much edifications, there is a little place to be in family, with friends, with the lover or anybody you want.
I recomended visit this place and be free there. I Punta de Choro you can put up the tent wherever you want.. is so pacific.
I wanna come back remember the first time.