domingo, 17 de abril de 2011

Caleta Tortel; playing at being geographer

I think that studying geography we have had many interesting  field trips, but my favorite fiel trip It wasnt for the University, it was in "Caleta Tortel", studing the river Baker.
3 years ago on vacations  I went to Coyhaique, specifically to "Caleta Tortel" because my sister  was working in a fondecyt project of investigation to the river baker, and she needed an assistant.
The investigation was on the benthic area of the river, and the species that they were living.
The team of work it was compound for 2 marine biologist, a chemistry of laboratory, a technician of navigation and me.
For 10 days we were waking up every day at 6:30 and we were going out in boat to taking samples with technological equipments. I was a small boat Because of it we had to to be organized well in the labors.
Then We were returning to the 13.00 to have lunch, and after it we were analyzing the samples old day.
I learned very much about the discipline, the teamwork and about the river baker.
And it was very interesting to understand something of the local geography
Undoubtedly I would like to return to take part of a trip study like that.


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